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Hug Day

hug day The Hug day is celebrated on 13th February. Hug is the best way to convey your feelings to your loved ones. When two bodies come together for a hug , it’s a feeling which can not be described in words. You get lost in a entirely different world of joy and happiness. So hug your near and dear ones today and show them that you really think and care for them.

Best ways of Hugging ?

A wrong way of hug may give a different interpretation to the person you are hugging. I came across an interesting article on “How to Hug ?” on  a Wikihows.  It describes the approach to Hug and different ways of hugging for each relationship.  Hugs have been classified as family hug, Friend Hug (Girl), Friend Hug (Boys), Crush Hug and Lover Hug.